The PABSEC marks the day of its establishment

We congratulate all the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation on the day of the establishment of the Assembly and wish many more years of cooperation for the benefit of the states and the peoples in the BSEC Region.

First Meeting of the Presidents of the Academies of Sciences of the BSEC Member States with the participation of Rectors of Leading Turkish Universities, Istanbul, 14-15 February 2024

On 14 February 2024, upon the initiative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation the First Meeting of the Presidents of the Academies of Sciences of the BSEC Member States with the participation of Rectors of leading Turkish universities was organized in Istanbul. The Meeting was attended by the representatives of the Academies of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania, Türkiye, Ukraine, as well as the Black Sea Universities’ Network.