Participation of the PABSEC International Secretariat to webinar “Prospects on Data Protection”, 12 April 2021

On 12 April 2021 Mr. Fuat KÜÇÜKAYDIN, PABSEC Deputy Secretary General, attended the webinar “Prospects on Data Protection”, organized by the European-Chinese Avenue for Data Protection (ECADAP), the Swiss Chinese Law Association and European Institute for Privacy, Audit, Compliance & Certification (EIPACC) and the International Data Protection Academy (PRIVACAD).

These founding partners share the philosophy of abridging data protection between the European Union and China (Asia at large) and initiate ECADAP aiming to promote data protection joint platform amongst professionals and those willing to contribute to this societal cause. It aimed to reach over 300,000 data protection professionals active around the globe, including business leaders, policy makers, anti-corruption experts and practitioners, civil society representatives and academics.

The webinar addressed important issues on restoring trust in the current crisis, in building a more resilient and more ethical future, by promoting data protection. It was underlined that the transfer of data from the EU to China is part of the strong trade relations between them. The keynote speakers and the experts who participated in the event focused on the Foundations of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with the view of gathering insights from participants as to the subjects and preferences of topics to be discussed during privacy and data protection training designed to cater Chinese lawyers and Chinese Business Consultants.