Participation of Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, in the 33rd Economic Forum in Karpacz (Poland), 3-5 September 2024

On 3-5 September 2024, Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, participated in the 33rd Economic Forum in Karpacz, Poland, dedicated to the topic “Time of New Leaders – Shaping the Future Together”.

This Forum is held annually and is the largest meeting platform in Central and Eastern Europe, where topics of security, diplomacy, economic development, contemporary challenges are discussed, and specific solutions and innovative ideas are presented. More than 3,000 guests from around the world took part in the Forum. During the three-day work, issues such as the development of new technologies, globalization, energy, climate change, cybersecurity, healthcare, education, the formation of a sustainable future, etc. were discussed.

The PABSEC Secretary General took part in a panel discussion on the topic “Asia’s Century. What Does Asia’s Rise Mean for Europe?” The PAABSEC Secretary General noted the importance of the Black Sea region as a connecting bridge between Europe and Asia and emphasized that the main transport arteries from Asia to Europe, in particular the Silk Road, pass through the Black Sea region. Asia has become the most important engine of global economic growth, and countries such as China, India and the countries of Southeast Asia are increasingly influencing global trade relations. This creates both opportunities and challenges in the context of fierce competition and contributes to economic dynamism. Therefore, the Black Sea region is gaining particular importance in the development of trade and communications. Mr. A. Hajiyev also noted the rapid technological progress observed in Asian countries, especially in areas such as artificial intelligence, telecommunications and renewable energy.