Participation of the PABSEC International Secretariat in the meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network, 9-10 February 2021

Mr. Daniel Dulca, PABSEC Deputy Secretary General, attended the online meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network, jointly organized with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and in partnership with Women Political Leaders (WPL), on 9-10 February 2021.

The OECD Global Parliamentary Network is a legislative learning hub for legislators and parliamentary officials being a flexible structure that allows MPs from across the political spectrum to share experiences, identify good practices and foster international legislative cooperation.

The meeting was attended by MPs and representatives of various international organizations and it was chaired by Mr. Anthony Gooch, Director, Public Affairs and Communications Directorate, OECD.

The meeting included as main subjects: The path to a sustainable and inclusive recovery: Rethinking the relationship between fiscal and monetary policy; Update on addressing the tax challenges of the digitalization of the economy; Dealing with the impact of the pandemic, Co-operating on Vaccines: What we must do next.

The discussions focused on how countries can continue to provide support at a time when unemployment remains high and job creation remains weak and also on how they can set the foundations for an inclusive and resilient recovery through labour market and social policies.

Concerning the COVID-19 global pandemic, the participants underlined that it continues to put important health challenges in many countries, especially, in Europe and the Americas. The pandemic has shown that health care systems were unprepared and that additional investments will be needed to make them more resilient in the future. In this respect, strong primary and long-term health care are key elements of resilient health systems. Regarding long-term care which has in view the most vulnerable people in societies, it should include the necessary resources and tools to ensure their needs.